Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Rest of the Week

Monday held some excellent news. I mean we've got real dates for Shadow at the Water's Edge . Now comes the hard part... waiting. Of course we'll give you all sorts of interesting content to keep you preoccupied till then.

Speaking of which, maybe there's a newsletter in your future. Of course, there's no telling what kind of information you can find inside. I'm guessing even more spoilers, and probably a refresher on dates. Maybe a surprise or two as well. You know the score. ^.~

So the puzzle has been solved. I think it might be a little tricky for me to explain, so I'm going to cheat a little and link to "methods of solving"

- Puzzle 70 Answer -

This puzzle is called a [ nonogram ]. Steps for solving this kind of puzzle can be found here. Just be sure to watch out for the typo... For this particular one, when you've completed it, you may notice [ a picture ] forming.


We can discuss the meaning of that answer very soon. But, today is wrapped up, join me tomorrow for something not altogether different.

- Novel -

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